content starts below.

The "Restore Kodi" button restores a backed up copy of Kodi's data to the device. Kodi must be closed in order to restore.

Default Kodi data locations:

For Android:


For Windows:


For macOS:

/Users/[userid]/Library/Application Support/Kodi

For Linux:


Android device external data locations

For Android:

If your data is stored on an external location, choose the location from the displayed presets, and adbLink will restore your data to that point.

Please note that this applies to entire datasets only. If you have elected to move thumbnails only to external, you will have to complete this after the restore completes, using adbLink's move data dialog,

adbLink will not restore backups created by other programs or addons.

Addons: adbLink is tested with official Kodi repository addons only. If you have issues restoring a non-repository addon, write with full details.

If you have questions or comments, please email adbLink produces a log file, adblink.log, with each run. Include it in your email or post if you're having problems.

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