content starts below.

adbLink Main Screen

Connected devices
The upper left "Cconnected devices" listbox displays the USB serial number, IP address or name of connected devices. Clicking a device selects it as the "active" device.

Connection status
This listbox displays the type of connection and error status if any.

Running jobs
This listbox displays jobs running in the background.

Ad Hoc IP address
To connect to a network device, simply enter its IP address and press the "Connect" button. Its IP address will appear in the "Connected devices" listbox when an adb connection is made.

Select device
This dropdown menu allows you to select a specific device from your collection. Device records are optional, but very useful.

This menu is empty when you first run adbLink. If you add device records, you may choose a device from this menu in order to interact with it.

The buttons associated with this menu are:

New: Display a blank device settings screen
Edit: Edit the selected device.
Delete: Delete the selected device.
Connect: Connect the selected device. (Android only)
Disconnect: Disconnect the selected device. (Android only)

Android only buttons:

Restart ADB (Android) button: Does refresh of connected devices

Stop ADB button (Android) stops the ADB server.

Install apk: Installs an apk file.

Uninstall apk: Uninstalls an apk file.

Screen Shot: Takes a screen shot of whatever is on your device's screen.

ADB Shell: Opens a console on the connected device. Much like telnet.

Keypad:WIFI/USB remote keypad.

Move Kodi Data: Move Android Kodi's data to an external partition

Global buttons:
Backup: Create a Kodi backup.

Restore: Restore a Kodi backup

Cache:Adjust Kodi's Cache settings.

Splash Screen: Push a remote control XML file to Kodi

Push Remote: Push a remote control XML file to Kodi

Console: Opens a console for the command-line. Allows entry of adb/fastboot commands for Android.

File menu:
Edit XML files: Edit Kodi XML files

Kodi data usage: Display space used by Kodi data

Download Kodi: Open Kodi's download page

Download SPMC: Open SPMC's download page

Logs menu:
View adbLink Log: View a log of your current or previous adbLink session. Copy the log to the system clipboard for pasting into messages,email,etc.

View Kodi Log: View Kodi's log files. Copy the log to the system clipboard for pasting into messages,email,etc.

Reboot menu:
Reboot device: Reboots your Android device

Reboot recovery: Reboots your Android device to recovery

Reboot bootloader: Reboots your Android device to fastboot

Root menu: (Android only)
FS R/O:Make the file system read-only

FS R/W:Make the file system read-write

Utility menu: (Android only)
Path to clipboard:Adds busybox to your Android path for ADB Shell on selected device

Start Application:Start Android application on selected device

Stop Application:Stop Android application on selected device

Wireless ADBD:Enable temporary wireless debugging via ADB on selected device

Logcat:Start logcat debugging stream on selected device

adbLink is released under the GPL V3. Source is available at

If you have questions or comments, please email adbLink produces a log file, adbshield.log, with each run. Include it in your email or post if you're having problems.

main menu

If you have questions or comments, please email adbLink produces a log file, adblink.log, with each run. Include it in your email or post if you're having problems.

help menu

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