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The File->Console menu selection opens up a terminal where you can issue adb or fastboot commands from the command-line or
perform other command-line tasks.
This terminal session adds the adb/fastboot commands to your path, so they are available from any location on your PC.
This path change is for the adbLink console session only.
Wiindows users: If you're using the command-line to interact with a device via USB, Google's WinUSB device driver must be installed. This driver is included with adbLink in the "winusb" folder and has been tested with Windows versions XP through 10. Directions for installation can be seen at; the link is below this help doc, or see the Video Help WinUSB video.
If you have questions or comments, please email adbLink produces a log file, adblink.log, with each run. Include it in your email or post if you're having problems.
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