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For Android 11, Google has removed the ability for adb to write data in /sdcard/Android/data/, Kod's standard data location. This has the unfortunate side-effect of preventing adbLink from accessing Kodi data at /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi, meaning no backup/restore, no edit of xml files, in short no function requiring write access.

Luckily, Kodi has the ability define a new storage area for itself - it looks to the contents of a text file: adbLink can now access Kodi's data at /sdcard/kodi_data/.kodi

To work around Google's restriction, in your device record for Kodi OS choose "Android 11" or "Scoped Storage" from the drop-down menu then save the record. This will point adbLink to the new location for Kodi's files.

adbLink's restore function will create the directory /sdcard/kodi_data and restore a backup to that location and also write an file. After the restore, Kodi will operate normally. it will just look for its files at the location pointed to by

adbLink's Android 11 backup function will backup Kodi's files from this new location. Other functions, such as xml edit, will work as expected.

This workaround is mainly for Android 11 devices, although it also works on Fire OS.
